June 2015
On 23th May I performed in my last show with GBC, in creation by Stephan Thoss La jeune fille et la mort and from June I start my new exciting career of free-lance dancer and choreographer, my first independent work was collaboration with Art Crush on a multi- discipline concert, then I performed in a permormance Princess Agnus Dei by Astrid Loyd.
Both war amazing experiences.
Photo with Stephan Thoss after premiere of Jeune Fille et la mort with GBC
Princess Agnus Dei
Thursday, June 4, 2015
2:00pm 9:00pm
2 show times, Thursday June 4, 2015; 2pm & 8pm
Tour de Lévis, Jean Drapeau
Venue has a maximum capacity of 50 per showing. TICKETS MUST BE RESERVED IN ADVANCE
To reserve, email:
Directions will be sent to you via email when you reserve.
Princess Agnus Dei
An independent production created and directed by: Astrid Lloyd. Original score by Ralph Denzer
Thursday, June 4th, 2015. 2pm and 8pm. Tour de Lévis, Ile Ste Helene, Parc Jean Drapeau, Montreal
Princess Agnus Dei is a multimedia performance set against an elaborate architectural installation, Hammock. The focus of the work is the character Princess, performed by dancer Eva Kolarova, elaborated with an original score, featuring piano, violin, clarinet, and voice; all punctuated with a heartbeat of Métis jig. The costume and installation are constructed of industrial materials: white electrical cable, red marrettes, black rubber tie-downs, and white zip ties. The architectural element, a giant hammock and tube ladder made of cable lace, functions as the bed of Princess. Both materially and conceptually, the structure is an extension of the costume, body and persona of Princess. Using traditional bobbin lacemaking techniques, 40 custom made steel bobbins, Hammock has been under construction since 2008.
Princess Agnus Dei and Hammock belong to a much larger art/life experiment called The Superwoman Project; A Novel in Four Costumes (2000- ongoing). The Superwoman Project can be described as a freedom quest, a study of archetypes, and an experiment in performativity–– how individuals perform themselves into being. Each of the four costumes represents a distinct persona, who is also responsible for her own body of work. The project addresses a wide range of interconnected themes including sexuality and violence, freedom and bondage, liminality (interiority vs. exteriority), and the metaphysical relationship between bodies and architecture.
The character of Princess was developed in response to horrific images of slaughtered women which surfaced during the 2006 trial of mass murderer Robert Pickton. First exhibited as solo performance, the current iteration of Princess is an ensemble production comprised of several performing artists. The ritual performance of Princess casts out the Sad Victim archetype.
As a Master of Fine Arts candidate at Concordia University, Lloyd has been studying the intersections of performance art, theatre and ritual. Following the performance of Princess Agnus Dei in Montreal, the massive cable lace structure will be installed in a grove of Trembling Aspens on the shores of Lac Matagami in Northern Quebec where it will remain indefinitely. The June 4 performance draws together a rich group of artists all interested in experimental performance work.
Ralph Denzer - composer
Eva Kolarova - Princess - Lead Dancer
Yvonne Chartrand - Heart of Princess - Second Dancer (Métis jigger)
Emilie Monnet - Voice of Princess - Vocalist
Marie-Lys Trudel - Sadness - Violin
Milan Sumas - Liberty - Clarinet
Julie Migner-Laurin - Beauty - Piano
Art Crush concert
Saturday, May 30, 2015
10:30pm 11:30pm
Concert avec un concept nouveau genre qui fusionne la danse, la peinture et la musique de chambre. Vivez une expérience musicale dynamique, avec une véritable transformation multidisciplinaire où se métamorphosent les diverses formes artistiques.
Découvrez Art Crush, un évènement à partager avec vos amis et familles!
Art Crush Show / En vedette l’ensemble Art Crush : Marc Djokic, Marina Thibeault et Dominic Painchaud
AVERY ZHAO, artiste visuelle
SOPHIE MORRO, artiste visuelle
Samedi 30 mai, 22 h 30, Centre multifonctionnel de Saint-Lambert
Durée : 90 min.
Billets: $25 Régulier / $15 Etudiant
Site du festival: http://www.festivalclassica.com/
Site de Art Crush: http://artcrushshow.com/
December 2014
Interview on the radio " Nomoreradio " where we talk about the premiere of my new choreography " Cycle - Phase II ":
I would like to invite you to the premiere of my new creation Cycle - phase II.
in collaboration with Luciana Marcos director of the video projections , which will be
held on the 6th and 7th December at the stage of Studio 303, within the project
Metamorphosis , the theme is a combination of dance and the visual arts ( such as
video projection, sculptures etc.).
The premiere of my new creations Cycle , which took place at the festival Quartiers Danses in Montreal on September 13th , was a great success and I had many positive comments from spectators.
I would like to thank all the people who worked with me and who helped me . I am very pleased with our result.
I would also like to announce that I was chosen by a jury on a new project organized by Studio 303, it is a event with the topic of Metamorphosis ( it should be a collaboration between video, visual arts and dance ) which I will attend with my new creation Cycle - phase 2, inspired by the same idea as Cycle, but the theme will be process from another new angle, completely differently, performances will be held on 6th and 7th December 2014 in the space of Studios 303 in Montréal.
At the same time we begin with GBC to prepare neoclassical ballet Leonce and Lena by German choreographer Ch.Spuck.
Here an overview of the repertoire of GBC for this year 2014/15:
December 11 to 30 - The Nutcracker by F.Nault
March 19 to 28 - The Little Prince by D.Veldman
May 14 to 23 - Death and the Maiden by S.Thoss
For more information: www.grandsballets.com
July 2014
Back in Montreal after two months of summer vacation, rested and ready for a new productive and exciting dance season!
My season starts with a preparation for my participation in an renown choreographic festival Quartiers Danses in Montreal, where I was selected to present my new creations Cycle, which will take place on September 13th at 9:30pm at the Theatre Le Gesu.
I look forward to your support and your attendance.
May 2014
The premiere of my new choreography Cycle which took place on May 3 at a concert of cellist and my friend Jari Piper, was a huge success and I look forward to the second big premiere in September at the festival Quartiers Danses.
Until then I have time to work on the best possible result!
January 2014
I finally returned to the studio after my injury. It was a great
feeling to dance again. In addition, I started working on my new project, new
choreography " Cycle " which will have its premiere May 3, 2014 in a concert
Pollack Hall.
For the first time, I had the opportunity to collaborate with composer Reiko
Yamada who, after seeing my performance Metamorphosis of Love, last year,
offered to compose the music for me.
When she asked me what instrument I wanted to use, I answered cello. And by
chance a few days later, cellist Jari Piper contacted her and ask her to create a
piece for his final concert.
And this was the beginning of our cooperation. When I will dance in his concert
and he will play in my performance in September at the dance festival in Montreal.
To have a composer who creates music for my choreography, is something
exceptional and it is a dream of every choreographer.
Also it has been while I want to use a projection in my work and this time it looks
like it might actually work. My girlfriend Luciana Marcos, who studied film
production, offered to help me with creating the projection.
The big news is that I was selected to participate in the choreographic festival in
Montreal Quartiers Danses, which is held every year in September and has a
very good reputation in the Montreal dance community.
It's a great challenge for me, I attend to present new choreography Cycle!
A last news is, that in April I will shoot a short dance video for the music group
"Static Gold" , and they also asked me if I wanted to perform at their concert on
May 30 in the Cabaret Lion D' Or, and I gladly agreed.
Regarding the GBC, we currently performs with the performance of Rodin /
Claudel by P.Quanz in Ottawa and then we leave for two weeks on a tour in
Europe with a performance of Minus One from O.Naharin .
The first destination is Greece, Macedonia, and then finally Serbia.
After returning to Montreal awaits us last production of the season. New creations
from S.Celis Transfigured Night, which will have its premiere on the 15th May 2014 at Place des Arts.
September 2013
First about my summer activity:
After successfully passing the pre-selection in May 2013 I participated in July 2013 in the prestigious choreographic competition in China with my two choreographies.
As the only European I pass to the finals with other 10 competitors, but unfortunately I did not get any award in the end. It was a disappointment for me, especially after a lot of people told me that I had the right to get a price and it's not fair, but how many competitions are fair ?!
Among other peoples, I have met Ivan Liška, director of the Munich Ballet , who knows me from the time of my studies in Munich and in China he was a president of the jury for the classical section . I am proud to say that he was excited about my choreography Human voice, including my interpretation.
Just then, for me, without rest, began our new theater season 2013/2014 , with the premiere of " Sleeping Beauty " by Mats Ek .
It's a wonderful ballet, really great and immortal work of this famous choreographer.
I was chosen for role of Silver fairy.
It is interesting that I saw this ballet for the first time when I was 12 years old on a video - tape , which my father brought home , and 12 years later, I had the honor to dance in this ballet.
But I have one bad news, after performance on October 12, I received the results of the MRI, where they found that I had inflammation of one of the bone in the pelvis and I cannot dance for 4 weeks. I didn´t let heal my injury last year, and recently I had the annoying pain that stopped me from work and any progress.
So it is time to heal properly.
May 2013
The premiere of performance Dreams Away was a huge success , not only from the audience but also critics has been very positive.
For myself thank you very much for your personal and written expressions of
appreciation , there is nothing better than when someone tells me, that my performing
touched him to tears , because for me this is the best reward for my hard work and when
I feel that I am able give and enrich the audience it give a meaning to my dance.
Some critics can be found here:
http://mountainlake.org/blogs/gens-delights/r % C3% AAVE
News is:
I was pre-selected to the semifinal of the international choreographic competition in
China in Beijing ( IBCC ). Where I will participate in early July, with two my
choreographys, solo „Human voice“ and a new duet „Can you see, what I see?!“ with my
brother Pavel Kolar , which is currently dancing for the National Ballet in Brno.
Information about the competition can be found here :
After months of hard work and preparation in the studio, I have the pleasure to invite you to the premiere of Dreams Away last performance of the season , before the summer break .
It is a new creation , a modern ballet with a story , from german choreographer Stephan Thoss, which is currently one of the renowned choreographers in Europe.
Stephan Thoss chose me as first cast of main role in his ballet.
My role is a young girl , beginning writer , which is very rampant imagination and constantly invent new stories and new characters , but never finished them. Finally, she begins to lose herself in her dreams and the characters from her unfinished stories which has no peace , start to chase her...... for the rest come to see it.
Dates of shows when I dance the lead role are :
The 16th, 18th and May 25, 2013 at 20h, at the Theatre Place des Arts
For more information visit the website :
This season has been a very hectic, so sorry that I did not have enough time to update my website continuously .
So what has happened in that time ?
First, in addition to the successful interpretation of the main role in the ballet by J.Kylian
Moon Princess, Kaguyahime which was very well valued by the dance critics, the Czech ambassador in Canada, Mr. Karel Žebrakovský came to see Kaguyahime and was fascinated by my performance, we met after show in backstage and he told me that I have all his support in the future.
Apart from nasty viral infection we brought from Oman the Arab state and big snow storm that cancel our shows in New York , I was struck by unexpected injury that kept me from dancing the first cast in choreography Toot by Didy Veldman .
So, in chronological order:
In November 2012, our company Les Grands Ballets Canadien was invited by sultan to perform for a week tour in Oman.
We presented the Rite of Spring and Les Noces by choreographer Stijn Celis, in this beautiful, newly built theater in Muscat. It was a very special, unique experience dance in an Arab country in a completely different cultural world.
Entire month of December we played like every year during the Christmas Nutcracker.
A very nice version from Fernando Nault .
It was a real dance marathon, because we had a show almost every day and sometimes twice a day (afternoon and evening) and I danced in 6 different roles.
(Goutte Rose, Goutte Bleu, Spanish, Floral waltz, pas de deux of Snow Queen , and a nanny other.)
In January 2013, we again went on tour this time in the U.S., with the performance
Four Seasons and Cantata by choreographer Mauro Bigonzetti , (Houston , New York and Penn-state ).
Currently, we perform in Montreal with the program Danz / Toot in the theater Place des Arts. These are two different choreography’s , the first Danz by Ohad Naharin , and the second Toot by Didy Veldman.
What can be considered as positive valuation of my success:
Besides the personal appraisal of Czech Ambassador , came out in September 2012 an article about me in the magazine "Dance Zone " by dance theater critic Nina Vangeli .
Here a link: http://www.tanecnizona.cz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=558&Itemid=1
28 to 30 December 2012 , I was included in the survey " Talent of the Year" in Czech press.
Link here: http://hn.ihned.cz/c1-59031120-talent-2013
January 2013 , I was invited to do interview with Anna Kubista to Czech Radio , which aired in early February.
Here is the link:
To the next season 2013/2014 in GBC I was promoted as a Demi-Soloist .
Expected repertoire for next season are:
In October 2013 , Sleeping Beauty by Mats Ek
In December 2013, the 50th anniversary of Nutcracker by Fernand Nault
In March 2014, Rodin / Claudel by Peter Quanze
In May 2014, World premiere of the new creations Transfigured Night
from Stijnce Celis
We will continuously update the entire contents of the web-site.
I thank everyone for their interest and support, including financial subvention!
Eva Kolarova
September 2012
Both the first and second premieres of Kaguyahime, were very successful.
Both evenings are been exceptional.
And for me, it was wonderful to see the audience getting up from their chairs during
the applause and hear my name called by the public.
Thank you very much for this wonderful experience.
Eva K.
The show will continue until the end of October at Place des Arts.
Here are some links to reviews:
August 2012
Opening night and my second independent performance Metamorphosis of Love, was successful.
Now I would like to thank from all my heart to my dancers Mahomi Endoh, Hamilton Hieh end Jean- Sebastien Coutour, for their excellent performance and artistic interpretation of my choreography’s.
And finally, my dancers and me have to thank to all who participated in realization of the show (especially to Léo Lagassé - light designer), for their dedication, power and professionalism .
Eva Kolarova