photo by Sasha Onyshchenko
Eva Kolarova
Certified Yoga & dance teacher / personal coach / holistic therapist
Nationality: Czech & Canadian
1995 - 2004 Towens studio + Actors studio, Czech Republic
2000 - 2004 States Conservatoire of dance in Prague, Czech Republic
2004 - 2008 Secondary school in Prague - TCP, Czech Republic
2004 - 2006 School of Maurice Béjart "Rudra Béjart " in Lausanne, Switzerland
2006 - 2008 Ballett-Akademie, Heinz Bosl-Stiftung in Munich, Germany
SEPTEMBER 2020 - JUNE 2021: Invited professor of contemporary dance technique and choreographer at the Korean National University of Arts ( K’ARTS ) in Seoul, South Korea
JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2020: commissioned choreographer for a triple bill show “Twilight” with Ballet Kelowna, BC, Canada
JULY - AUGUST 2019: invited as a film assistant and a choreographer at Lyceum Aplinum in Zuoz, Switzerland
MARCH - JUNE 2018: Invited professor of contemporary dance technique and choreographer at the Korean National University of Arts ( K’ARTS ) in Seoul, South Korea
JULY 2017: Free-lance dancer, choreographer and teacher
JUNE 2016 - JULY 2017: Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal, Canada
AUGUST - OCTOBER 2015: Contract with Joseph Sturdy (Dans I Nord) for a new work, The Haze, followed by a tour in Sweden
2015: She created her own project based company called Eva Kolarova Danse
2013: Promoted as a demi-soloist, GBC
2011 - MAY 2015: Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal, Canada
2008 - 2011: Ballet de l‘Opéra National du Rhin, France
Special awards for best choreography at the International Choreographic Festival DICFestival in Daegu, South Korea
Special jury prize, at the Choreographic competition “Premio Roma Danza” in Rome, Italy
First prize – “Médaille d Ó r” at the International choreographic competition in Millau, France
First prize - “GRAND PRIX” in Korea, Seoul-IMDC - International Modern Dance Competition
First prize, Neo-Classical category, in the International dance competition “Hellas”, Greece
Second prize, Contemporary category, in the International dance competition “Hellas”
First prize, at the International choreographic competition in Nyon, Suisse
Special prize, at the choreographic competition in Prague “Prix de Jarmila Jerábková”
Creations and choreographies
• Creation and presentation of a video dance project PAUSE TOGETHER supported by Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.
• Creation and presentation of a new solo piece Inner Dialogue within the COVID 19 project “Une Solitude Partagée” a video dance organized by the Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur.
• Commissioned to create a 35min new work for the dance company Ballet Kelowna, in British Columbia, Canada, the new work is called AS IT IS and will have its world premiere on February 14&15, 2020 at Kelowna Community Theatre.
• Organization and creation of a choreographic platform LocalMotion Lab, showcasing the work of seven established choreographers of diverse dance backgrounds led by Eva Kolarova. The world premiere and its first edition was in March at Salle Rouge, Wilder Building, Canada. Eva as one of the 7 choreographers created and performed new work, Re_Imagine.
• Re_Imagine was extended and presented at the Festival St-Ambroise Fringe de Montréal in June 2019, the piece was nominated for a best prize.
• Presentation of new solo Stream of Light at the Festival in Toronto, Dance made in Canada.
• Remounting and presenting duet Encounter, at the Festival Internacional Danza de Calle in Mexico.
• Creation and presentation of a new piece “Encounter” ( 20min ) premiered within the Festival Quartiers Danse 2018 at Cinquième Salle, Place des Arts, in Montreal, Canada
• Presentation of two new short pieces at the Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur
• Creation and presentation of a new choreography “Garden of Eden" ( 15min ) at the KARTS show in Seoul, South Korea
• Creation and presentation of a new solo piece called "Who was I?" ( 15min ) at the International Choreographic Festival DICFestival in Daegu, South Korea
• Production, direction and administration of the full-length multimedia performance “Blue Dependence" ( 60min ) for in total 8 artist’s, premiere took place on October 20th and 21st at Cinquième Salle at Place des Arts in Montreal
• Creation and presentation of the new choreography “Constellation" (25min long) at the festival Quartiers Danses, Montréal
• Presentation of two short pieces at the Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur
• Selected as an emerging choreographer for Springboard 2017 in Montreal.
• Participation at a Gala, Carte Blanche organized by Danse a la Carte with a new duet “Chrysalis”.
• Creation and work in progress of a new creation “Matiére”, two weeks residency in Montbéliard in France followed by a public representation.
• Reprise of “Fragmented Mind” within a festival Classica, the show was invited to be part by the artistic director
Marc Boucher and the performance was held in Multi-purpose centre in St.Lambert with great success
• Production, direction and administration of the full-length multimedia performance "Fragmented Mind" ( 60min ) for
in total 16 dancers, premiere took place on February 12th and 13th at Cinquième Salle at Place des Arts in Montreal
• "Cycle" has been selected for the 20th edition of Vue sur la relève, the festival took place in April 2015 at Theatre Le Plaza Montréal
• Creation and presentation of new choreography "Cycle – Phase II." (25min long) within the project “Métamorphose", organized by Studio 303, Montréal
• Creation and presentation of the new choreography “Cycle" (20min long) at the festival Quartiers Danses, Montréal
• Creation and presentation of new choreography "Soul of woman" (10min long) at the Gala performance in Seoul, South Korea
• Creation and presentation of the full evening performance "Métamorphose de l'amour" (60min long) at the Theatre La Chapelle in Montréal
• Creation and presentation of a new choreography for “Conservatoire de danse de Mulhouse”( 15min long choreography)
• Creation and presentation of new choreography “Looking back” (10min long duet) at the Gala performance in Prague, Czech republic
• Creation of a performance for “Conservatoir de danse de St-Louis” (piece 30min long), France
• Creation of choreography “Firefly” (15min long) within the performance called "Rêves 6" for the company “Ballet du Rhin”, France
• Creation of full-evening performance “Danse Portrait de Eva Kolarova” (60min long), at the theatre ABC in Prague, Czech republic
• Creation and presentation of the solo choreography “Sound” ( 6min) for the performance of the school of Maurice Béjart in Lausanne, Switzerland
• Participation at the international television festival "Golden Prague” with two short dance films of her own choreographies “Kopelent” and “Sonata per cembalo” ( each 10min long)
Professional experience and dance repertory
2018 - Korean National University of Arts in Seoul
Guest teacher of contemporary technique and choreography at Korean National University of Arts in Seoul, South Korea (KARTS)
2016/2017 - Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal:
Tours in Canada, Europe, China and USA, performing “Kosmos" by Andonis Foniadakis, “Balcao" by Itzik Galili and
“Rouge” by Rodrigo Pederneiras
2016 - As a Freelance:
Performance in collaboration with Art Crush, Heart and Breath music by Richard Reed Parry in Multi-purpose centre in St.Lambert
Participation as a choreographer in research choreographic residence in Montbeliard, France for a creation of a new show “Matiére” in collaboration with Thomas Patchoud and company Ikari.
Participation at the NDT summer Intensive, Den Hague, Netherlands
Participation as a dancer in two months project, new creation "The Haze" by Joseph Sturdy, followed by a tour with the shows in north of Sweden
2015 - Les Grands Ballets Canadiens:
“La jeune fille et la mort” from Stephan Thoss “Petit prince” from Didy Veldman
Minus one” par O.Naharin
La Nuit transfigurée” par S.Celis
Silver fairy “ Sleeping beauty”, Mats Ek
Main role in “Reve”, S.Thoss
“Toot and Danz”, from D.Veldman and O.Naharin
“Snow Queen” , “Gouttes rose” end “Espagnole”, in “ Nutcracker ” Main role in “Princes de la lune" in the ballet
“Kaguyahime”, J.Kylián Tour in Europe and Oman with GBC
2011 - Ballet du Rhin:
“Work within work”, W.Forsythe
“Swan lake”, Bertrand D Á t
J.Kylián (“Blackbird”), Emanuel Gat (“Action d’Observation")
Principal role in “Sinfonietta” and “Overgrown Path” ch: J. Kylián
Principal role in “Papillons” ( solo yellow butterfly ) ch: B.D Á t
“Giselle” (petite amie, Willis and pas de deux Vendange), ch: Maina Gielgud
Invited to dance at the “40th Anniversary of Northern Ballet Theatre ś ” with pas de deux, “In the mood”, UK
“In the mood” at the Gala, Paris
“Songs from before”, Lucinda Childs
“Suite”, de Jo Stromgren
Danced at the Gala in Prague, “Mezinárodní týdny tance” with her own choreography
“Flockwork” ( ch.:A.Ekman )
“Copelia” ( ch.:Jo Stromgren )
“La Sylphide” ( A.Bournoville)
“Variation pour une porte et une soupir” ( M.Béjart ) “Le mandarin merveilleux” ( Lucinda Childs )
“Reves” ( M. Guilhaumon et B.D Á t )
“Swan lake”, compagnie Staatsballett, Munich “Le Corsaire”, compagnie Staatsballett, Munich
2006 et 2007 - Ballett-Akademie de Munich:
Choreographies Hans van Manen, Jiří Kylián, George Balanchine “Serenade”, D.Lichine
“Graduation ball”, M.Fokine
“Les Sylphides” andRobert North
2006 - Rudra Béjart Lausanne:
Danced with Béjart Ballet “Secret de Printemps” and “Zarathustra”, Lausanne Tour with Rudra Béjart in Switzerland, Italy and France
Tour with Rudra Béjart in Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and France
2000 à 2004 - States Conservatoire of dance in Prague:
Several performances with“Actors studio”, Prague
“Sleeping beauty” and “Nutcracker” at the National Theatre in Prague, Czech republic